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Home Made Food with Love at your DoorStep

Indian Food

What we Do?

We're all about bringing the taste of home to your doorstep through our subscription-based food delivery service. Think of us as your culinary nostalgia fix, with each dish crafted to evoke the warmth and comfort of your mom's cooking. But we also add our own twist, so you get a taste of something familiar yet exciting. Join us in reliving those cozy home-cooked meal moments, but with a delightful twist!

From budget bites to gourmet delights, we've got your taste buds covered. Let's eat!😋

Vegetarian Thali

We also make your occasions Special

We're more than just a kitchen !

We're your partner in creating unforgettable moments. Whether it's a birthday bash, a festive celebration, or a cozy get-together, let us handle the culinary delights while you focus on making memories. Just give us a heads-up beforehand so we can work our magic and ensure your loved ones are treated to a feast that warms both their hearts and their bellies.

A visually appetizing chicken tandoori plated with garnish.

Craving a culinary adventure? Join us at #SavourySkiesKitchen!

a full vegitarian thali meal
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